Gut Health & Immunity with Rose Ferguson

In our final conversation with Rose, we discuss the effects of stress on gut health and how breathing can significantly impact our immune function. We also hear Rose’s top tips on how to reset from over indulgence and that a night spent under the duvet watching Netflix, is also perfectly acceptable restful way to wind down.

Rose, sipping on a martini in English Rose

There are so many trends pertaining to our gut health, what importance do you place on eating seasonally?

Eating seasonally is beneficial for gut health. Seasonal foods tend to be fresher and more nutrient-rich, as they haven’t been shipped form half way around the world. Seasonal eating also encourages using produce that maybe outside your ‘normal’ shop, eating a wider variety of fruit and vegetables is super important for the health of the microbiome, supporting a diverse gut microbiome.

It’s amazing how detrimental stress can be to our gut health; can you enlighten us a little bit on how this works? What are your solutions?

Stress negatively impacts gut health by affecting gut permeability and bacterial balance. Stress also means that when we eat, we are often not in the right state physically to rest and digest. While you can support the stress management and therefore the impact on the gut, with food and supplements – it is lifestyle that rules. Stress management techniques, like breathwork and mediation, are key and this in turn supports efficient digestion and a healthy gut environment.

How can breathwork affect gut health and the immune system? Are these things linked?

Breathwork can indirectly benefit gut health and the immune system by reducing stress, which is known to impact both. The practice helps manage stress, known to impact gut health negatively, potentially alleviating conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Around 70-80% of the body's immune cells are located in the gut, so there is a very strong link between gut health and immune function. Breathwork's ability to balance the autonomic nervous system and this promotes better digestion and a happier microbiome which means a better immune response.

There is so much conflicting information now available in regards to our gut health and wellbeing, what would be your key advice?

There are so many factors that impact out gut health, sometimes these factors are out of our control such as environmental toxins like pollutants in the air, on our food etc. So, what we can do/control for gut health is where we should focus. A balanced diet rich in fibre, probiotic/fermented foods, and diverse nutrients is key. Avoiding ultra-processed foods and managing stress are also super important.

If you are having a bad day what are your top tips to reset?

On a bad day, I recommend stepping back to do something that you love – even if this is watching Netflix under your duvet. Seeing a friend and sharing your troubles is also a brilliant thing to do.

If you have overindulged what are your top tips to help reset?

Definitely get under the duvet and watch Netflix! Ha! On a more professional level – try to stick to a whole food and colourful diet, rehydrate, maybe use some electrolytes, and move a bit – if you can get into nature, do it – very beneficial for a hangover.

What is the future of the wellness industry? What are your predictions?

I think and hope that we are moving toward a more inclusive time – The wellness industry is now known for expensive therapies and potions, which many feel are outside their possibilities. I hope that this is changing and that the wellness industry is moving toward self-empowerment and self-care using tools that have been used for hundreds of years, such as eating more plants, taking some time to be in nature, talking and community.


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