Fennel and cucumber infused water

We have a menu of herb infused waters and tisanes in The Greenhouse, the new spa reception, all of which are delicious and easy to make.  While the weather is hot, it is doubly important to remain hydrated and if you flavour your water with fresh herbs and fruit you are creating your own ‘vitamin water’ without any artificial ingredients. Fruit waters will last for a day or so, while herb waters can be kept for up to three days in the fridge.  But we recommend you make fresh daily and drink everything you make. Enjoy experimenting with different flavour combinations ... our current favourite is fragrant with the delicious flavours of the fennel & cucumber, grown in the kitchen garden at Thyme.

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  • 1 litre spring water

  • bunch of fennel fronds

  • half cucumber, sliced


  1. Fill a mason jar or lidded jug with water, spring water will ensure a cleaner taste.

  2. Add a good handful of fennel fronds.

  3. Leave to infuse overnight in the fridge.

  4. Next day remove from the fridge, add sliced cucumber and allow to return to room temperature.

  5. It is better for digestion to drink infused waters at room temperature, however as the summer heat soars, this particular infusion is absolutely delicious served over ice with an extra slice of cucumber.


Damson 97
