The very lovely Claire Vero has shared her antidote to the winter blues, a daily energiser, full of fresh staple vegetables that are widely available at this time of year with a selection of ingredients that are guaranteed to put a spring in your step ... start the day with the flavours of the kitchen garden. Add 500 ml almond milk if you would prefer a smoothie to a juice.
3 medium carrots
3 sticks celery
½ cucumber
½ fennel
¼ beetroot
whole head of broccoli
handful of baby spinach (or kale)
cubic inch of ginger
1 tbsp lucuma powder
1 tbsp baobab powder
1 tbsp bee pollen
1-2 tbsp goji berries
1-2 tbsp chia seeds
Juice all your fresh ingredients before blending with the powder, pollen, berries and seeds.